Content Management

Updated 8 months ago

Content Management section consists of below sub-sections;

Job Post Templates,
Interactive Interview Questions,
Assessment Tools. 


It consists of two fields; List and Add.  


List is the field where all created e-mails are listed.

Created emails are displayed and can be searched within this field. In addition, messages can be copied and duplicated, edited, and deleted from the “Actions” area.

Duplicate: It means creating a new message by editing the content of the previously created message. All users are entitled to duplicate the messages.  

Edit: Only message creator can revise the message content.

Delete: Only message creator can delete the message.


New message is created from this field. New message is created by filling the name of the message, content type and message content areas. It is possible to select a different language and add a translation as well as a picture can be inserted into the message. 

Job Post Templates

It consists of two fields; List and Add.  


It is the field where all created job post templates are listed. Created job post templates are displayed and can be searched within this field. In addition, templates can be copied and duplicated, edited, and deleted from the “Actions” area. 

Duplicate: It means creating a new template by editing the content of the previously created template. All users are entitled to duplicate the templates. Edit: Only template creator can revise the template content.

Delete: Only template creator can delete the template.


New job post template is created from this field. New template is created by filling the name of the template, title and template content areas. It is possible to insert a picture into the template content. 

Interactive Interview Questions

It consists of two fields; List and Add.  


It is the field where all created interactive interview questions are listed. Created questions are displayed and can be searched within this field. In addition, questions can be copied and duplicated, edited, and deleted from the “Actions” area.

Duplicate: It means creating a new question by editing the content of the previously created message. All users are entitled to duplicate the interactive interview questions.  Edit: Only question creator can revise the question.

Delete: Only question creator can delete the question.


New interactive interview question is created from this field. New question is created by filling question, answer type and language areas. 

An "Answer Type" should be selected based on what kind of an answer is required.

"Text": Provides respondents a single-line entry field in which short answers are allowed. 

"Long Text": Provides respondents a multiple-line entry field in which longer responses are allowed.

"Number": The field providing a number entry.

"Date": The field providing a date entry.

"Multiple Selection": Provides respondents to select more than one item at the same time.

"Multiple Selection(with priority)":Provides respondents to select more than one item in order of priority.

"Multiple Choice": Respondents are asked to select only correct answers from the choices offered as a list.

"Video": The field providing a video shooting. 

"Dropdown Selection": It offers a list of options from which the respondent select one of the options.


It consists of two fields; List and Add.  


It is the field where all created tags are listed. All created tags are displayed and can be searched within this field. In addition, tags can be edited, and deleted from the “Actions” area. Only the tag creator can edit and delete the tag. 


New tag is created by filling tag name field.

The created tags can be used in the talent list under “Talents” section. 

Assessment Tools

Assessment Tools report contains the defined profiles and sub-dimensions of these profiles and it can be downloaded in Excel format by clicking on Assessment Tools. 

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